Portfolio Creation

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Portfolio Creation

The following tutorial provides details about how to create your eportfolio template using Google Sites. It also discusses how to share your portfolio link by adding it to your WyoCourses profile. Updated instructions for how to create your Google sites can be found here: https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/products/sites/get-started/#!/section-1 Links to an external site.


Regardless of whether or not you use Google sites to create your eportfolio, this example shows the layout (without content) of your eportfolio. You should include all the pages listed in this example in your portfolio and provide a navigation menu that mirrors this one. Triangles to the left of the learner outcomes (learner outcomes  for students in the Learning, Design, and Technology Master’s degree program can be found here https://www.uwyo.edu/clad/instech/learner-outcomes.html Links to an external site. .Those for the Higher Education Administration program can be found here https://www.uwyo.edu/clad/higheredadmin/learner-outcomes.html Links to an external site. ) indicate that sub-pages exist underneath those. If you click on the triangle those sub-pages are also listed.

Example eportfolio structure HIED Links to an external site.

Example Portfolio structure Learning, Design, and Technology Links to an external site.

Linking Your Eportfolio to Your Profile
Once you’ve developed your ePortfolio template, you should link it to your WyoCourses profile. To do this:


  1. Make sure your Google site is shared so others may view it (Within your Portfolio click the Share button in the top-right corner. When then new window appears, locate the "Who has access section" and select the "change" link. Select the "Anyone with the link" option and then select the Save button. In the new window copy the "Link to share" URL.
  2. Login to WyoCourses and select your name in the top-right corner of the window
  3. Select the "Edit Profile" button on the right side of the new screen.
  4. Locate the Links section 
  5. Title your portfolio "eportfolio" and paste the URL to your eportfolio in the URL section
  6. Press the "Save Profile" Button