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Percussion Ensemble II : MUSC-3450-01
Percussion Ensemble is a performing ensemble that focuses on improving students musicianship through the study of percussion repertoire. As an ensemble, Percussion Ensemble focuses on classic percussion ensemble rep that is important to our field, contemporary percussion music, the steel pan tradition, and Afro-Cuban percussion traditions.
Special Topics: Program Eval : FCSC-5101-01 / FCSC-5101-40
This course explores techniques applicable to the evaluation of programs in the public and/or private sectors. We will focus on defining need for programs, identifying/communicating with stakeholders, developing descriptions of program theory/logic and implementation, defining programmatic objectives and output measures, choosing appropriate evaluation methods and instruments, as well as interpreting and reporting evaluation results.
Percussion I : MUSC-1190-01
Undergraduate applied study will focus on four major aspects of percussion: keyboard percussion timpani, snare drum / multiple percussion and drum set. Graduate applied study may include other areas, e.g. vibraphone improvisation, hand percussion, etc. All percussion majors will receive a total of fourteen weekly 50-minute private lessons per semester. Undergraduate performance majors and graduate students are to register for 2 hours of credit. All other majors and/or music minors may register for either 1 or 2 hours of credit. All students enrolled in 1 credit hour lessons will receive a total of fourteen weekly 30-minute lessons and are to register for 1 hour of credit.