LabQZ2: Displaying Spatial Data - I. Contour Maps

  • Due No due date
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Available after Feb 19, 2019 at 11:04am
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


This quiz tests you on the material covered in last week's lab. Since it is a quiz of what you have learned, you are not allowed to consult any information source while taking the quiz. The quiz must be taken in ESB 1004. You can only access the quiz 10 minutes before lab starts and 20 minutes after it begins. Thus, you have a 30 minute window within which to complete the quiz. You will need to enter an access code to do the quiz. Your TA will give you the access code when you arrive at lab. Once you start the quiz, you have ten (10) minutes to complete it. Note if you start the quiz with less than 10 minutes before half past the hour, the system will log you off at half past the hour. Moral: don't be late to lab.

Remember the quiz is graded automatically by the system. Thus, spelling counts. Carefully read the question or statement for hints as to how many words are included in the answer and whether or not the answer is singular or plural. You have two opportunities to complete the quiz and the system will save your highest score. On your second quiz attempt, you will be presented with a blank form, so be certain to note which answers were correct and which incorrect. Unfortunately, because the system blanks all answer boxes, you will have to re-enter your correct answers as well as your new answers.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes